It was such a big deal in 1986 that they even minted comemorative coins
Don't stress LA
hi eveyone, my sis told me something like where will i be after that day.
i couldnt realize at first what she meant, but i found this on net donald-trump-kim-jong-un-meeting-singapore-june-12/.
i found her reaction so pathetic, but i think she is really sorry for me leaving.. so how to do you reply to jw family or generally when news about world peace comes out?.
It was such a big deal in 1986 that they even minted comemorative coins
Don't stress LA
i had a deep conversation with my elder father today about the bible.
first i talked to him about luke 16:19-31. the one where jesus makes this crazy illustration regarding the afterlife.
of course he had to look it up on the watchtower library to be spoon fed his beliefs.
Hey Humbled, have a look at the video again around the 30 second mark onward, I'm sure the guy driving the boat is a young Stephen Lett.
the singularity" redirects here.
for other uses, see singularity (disambiguation).the technological singularity (also, simply, the singularity)[1][2] is the hypothesis that the invention of artificial superintelligence will abruptly trigger runaway technological growth, resulting in unfathomable changes to human civilization.
That's all pretty heavy reading Brokeback.
when i saw simons thread and the "interview" series of threads that came from it i really enjoyed reading the life stories of those that shared.
a bump for newer people seems like a good idea and i figured i would add mine as well.
again, thanks to simon for the concept of a guided interview thread and the template.. tell us a little about yourself and your family.. hmmm... easy question, hard answer.
So True Baldeagle - No one escapes this religion without some damage to his or her psyche.
It is like the barb on a fish hook, must be removed with care, even then there is sure to be some pain and rupture.
i consider myself an atheist.
and right now i'm reading a lot on atheism in general (books written to answer creationists).. i'd be interested in knowing how you became an atheist after leaving the jws and how long did it take?
was it instant or did your belief in a deity gradually decline?.
talking about tomorrow's wt study, that mentions over a quarter of a million baptized every year, a jw asked how many that is a day.
i got out my calculator and answered over 778 a day.
of course they were amazed at the growth, but immediatly i googled another statistic and read it aloud:.
And I remember a time (late 60s through to mid-1970s) when non-raised-in candidates vastly outnumbered born-in candidates for baptisms.
Not anymore Steve2, last one I went to 13 out of 14 were kids
ok, it's time.
we've had opportunity to observe the 8 gb members speaking ability.
now it's our turn to give our honest ratings...using their own form, of course!
The Sydney international convention in 2003 was a turning point for me, the first time that I saw that rubber face guy with his choreographed expressions and bogus empathy on the big screen, I thought why would the true god put this guy up as a front line rep, surely there must be somebody at the WT controls with a bit credibility and charisma.
The WT often like to point to there "huge" magazine distribution but they fail to see that there are countless kids that have youtube followings that are 10 times the size.
i know of 1 that watched the video and never went back.. i think for some it was a the sum of the total or the "last straw" if you like.. karter..
I would say that my cong in Australia is down 10 - 15% on 2 years ago.
so as you all know, my wife and i are not officially df or da.. a small event happened this week that i have to share!.
a family that we were really close to (dinners and catch ups several times a month , go out socially often, play sport together, helped them through tough times, like uncle and aunty to their kids, etc).
the wife's father died.
Maybe reach out to one of them for an informal one-on-one to show that you still really do care about them as a person. And as a friend.
Ditto ditto, this costs nothing other than your time and this small investment at this critical time may pay a dividend in causing them to question the gossip.
29th april.. anyone have a lead on the ..'special'.. talk that my wife et al has to travel miles to hear/see?
just so i can be advised.. thanks..
Yeah, it was one of those, heavily promoted, don't miss it unless you are dead of in hospital type events. Seems we have one of these every year, the main message was bla bla bla and what ever you do do not video or record this broadcast.